Sunday, December 12, 2010

Jesus snored. Really?!?

       Well, the Christmas music is playing non-stop at our house! We love the cozy feelings of family, friendships and the holidays (minus the stress)! I've certainly loved Christmas all my life and heard many versions of the holiday songs and carols.
       BUT, I was reminded of a Rachel "observation", from last year. We were listening to the "Do you hear what I hear?" song. I was just singing away... After the song was over, Rachel said "Jesus must have snored loudly"....Thinking, thinking....thinking some more...Then I asked why she said that? She reminded me, in the song "Do you hear what I hear? A child, a child, sleeping in the night..."! That's right, the only way we could hear Jesus sleep, was if He was snoring...loudly!
         Asperger's....they do have a point! Thought you might enjoy her observation!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

You've gotta laugh!

      Many times, tooth brushing time is a struggle at our house! I think I have alluded to that before. But to refresh those "charming" memories, with sensory integration problems, it can be a nightmare. The gag reflex, the smell, the touch... you get the picture.. not fun. She sometimes gags just walking into the bathroom, before even touching her toothbrush. I must say, she does not actually throw up much, now! Woo Hoo, that has been such an improvement to the start of our days!
     OK, back to the topic...(it's just nice to appreciate the successes at our house)! So, this morning, Rachel was getting ready to brush & Rosebug (our dog) did something silly causing Rachel to laugh. I then started laughing, which caused Rachel to do her "fake" laugh. Of course that only made me laugh harder, because I was remembering back when... Rachel is 10, now, but about a year ago, she suddenly started laughing when she attempted to brush her teeth. I thought it a little odd, but have learned nothing is really odd, living with an Asperger's child!!! This continued for a while & I figured it was better than tears, so didn't think much more about it.
      It finally got to be time to head to the dentist again (now THAT, is a real nightmare!). On the way, she let me know what a good job she had been doing with her teeth.....She said she had "laughed" almost everytime she brushed...waiting...waiting....(you do a lot of that, trying to figure where their thoughts & words are going), waiting....FINALLY, she announced, "well, the dentist told me it was important to tickle my gums, everytime I brush!".     OH! you guessed it, she "had" to laugh to follow the dentists orders to "tickle" her gums! You've gotta laugh!  ;0)