Monday, May 28, 2012

A time to remember...

    Another memorial day has arrived. So much to be thankful for and so many men and women to be remembered and honored for their service for our country!
(Picture from 2005)
    Rachel would like for our house to be completely covered with flags for the occasion. Unfortunately, our flag inventory does not currently allow for that desire, but she is working on getting it decorated in as much red, white and blue as possible!
    We were watching the Today show, this morning. There were members of the various armed forces in attendance dressed in their sharp uniforms. I was pointing out the different services and what their missions were, generally. We discussed the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines... After a few minutes of silence, Rachel asked if the TV was showing "past tense"? (her way of saying was it old footage.) When I explained, no, that these service men & women were there, today, she was quite confused.
    She explained to me why she thought it was in the "past tense". She said, "In the past tense, it was only black and white!".   Hmmm... I couldn't figure where her mind was going.... I had to ask. She informed me that the people in their crisp white uniforms must have been from the past... before they had the color, NAVY! So hard to not laugh, but such a literal young lady!

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