Tuesday, March 8, 2011

False Advertising


    Just need to get something off my mind... False advertising is IMPOSSIBLE to explain to Asperger's! We have been around & around this morning regarding "false advertising".
     Rachel informed me that next year, if she is a Honeybear, again at her school (dance team), we need to get her shoes from Payless. O.K. I remind her that's where we got them this year, as solid black sneakers with no logos, etc. are hard to find. Apparently, she was not concerned about that, but told me we would save money by getting her shoes there. Once again, I reminded her we got them there this year. "Well, yes. We will save even more next year because it's Payless." She thinks everytime we go, we get a bigger discount, apparently. I long for simplicity, selfishly, just to avoid these unwinnable discussions with an Aspie!
   Imagine our dilemma with stores such as Save-a-Lot, Save-More... You get it! Why can't things be crystal clear....OR....she might be a goldmine for some lawyer looking to file false advertising lawsuits!   ;0)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Don't Laugh At Me

    Some days are harder than others! This has been a trying few weeks at the Goodpasture residence.  I wish there was a manual for parenting Asperger's, sometimes.  But it might be discouraging & we do NOT need that. Rachel's Nana and Papa gave her the book: Don't Laugh at Me. Rachel loves it & I do everything not to cry when we read it. All of God's children are precious in His sight! What a great reminder! 

   It was one thing when people said things about her & treated her differently, but she didn't notice. It's so much harder as she's becoming aware that her peers see her as "different" and say things to & about her. Maybe, I'm just extra sensitive & protective, but it is a trying time! May God bless us all with wisdom, patience & energy to run this race!