Monday, June 10, 2013

Body Shop

You know you live in Daytona Beach, with an Aspie, when.....
     This phrase could probably be answered in many creative ways, but I was made aware of ONE, this morning! We were heading beach side, when I saw Rachel straining her neck and looking confused. She said "I don't see any robots!".  Huh? "I don't see any robots!". I then ventured into no win territory and asked why she would expect to see them on Mason  Ave. 
   "Well, we just went by the 'Body Shop' entrance, and I didn't see any robots going in." OH! I then explained it was not a robot body shop. Before I could give her a more accurate description, she immediately came to the conclusion it was for "body art", AKA tattoos! Or, she said maybe it was for jewelry for bodies, AKA piercings.
    When I dampened her thinking once again, she said, "Oh, I guess it is where dead people come to drop off their bodies".
    Before I allowed her to guess again, I decided to let her know it was for automobiles.... She was very disappointed!
    That's life with my Aspie!