Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Rachelism

     So, today, we ventured out into the crazy world of Black Friday. I know that's nothing unusual, but, have you ever tried to shop with an Aspie? All we needed was a pair of solid black sneakers for Rachel's school's Honey Bears dance team. They have 3 parades to dance in, coming up in the next couple of weeks. Have you ever tried to find solid black sneakers, with NO logos, etc. for a girl?
     We were trying to avoid the Christmas crazies, seeing as how, Christmas is not really on my radar, yet. Anywho, thought you might enjoy this...Rachel asked if it was Halloween.?....Long pause...I asked why?...She was afraid of the beautifully dressed mannequins at Macy's. So, I waited a few more seconds...and asked why?  "Because someone cut their heads off!".  Yep, that's our Black Friday, but hey, think of all the money we will save, being unable to go in a mall!
    Happy Belated Thanksgiving! We all have so much to be thankful for...a.k.a. our sense of humor and our family & friends! I thank GOD, I am not in this world alone!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thankful for Good Days/Times

     First, let me apologize for slacking on my blogging...these last few weeks have been particularly trying at our house & at Rachel's school. An Asperger's parent doesn't have the time or "luxury", if you will, to be sick or feel bad. (Which most often means illnesses drag out, due to little or no relief.)
     Rachel's aggression has reared its trying head! She has gotten into some "unacceptable" behavior at school. The difficulty with Aspie's (one of them) is their inability to interpret their peer's intentions, acceptance, feelings... you get the picture. The social ques are just not seen, to put it simply. This has resulted in Rachel getting into a "fight" at school. Needless to say, ughhhh.... It's so difficult to help them realize how other people feel & what other's expect...they have a very different interpretation, than the "norm", socially.
     She happened to have a Dr.'s appointment on Tuesday, which was good timing for us. Unfortunately, her Dr. is relocating, so we get to adjust to a new one...She was somewhat helpful, but gave some honest opinions of our situation. It is frightening thinking of the potential future, but that's where taking life one day/ or even one hour at a time will hopefully continue to help not getting & staying completely overwhelmed. And, there is nothing like prayer and faith. I cannot imagine facing this life without God's love & grace.
      The doctor brought up the subject of those "wonderful" hormones kicking in & basically said to expect things to get more trying. She's only 10 & I know her little body is changing, but yikes!! Worse?
     Asperger's  predominately affects boys. All of the people I know that have children with this diagnosis have sons. I would love to be able to talk to a parent of an Aspie girl. If you know one, please, send them my way, particularly if they have already survived this phase. Anywho... life has not been all bad...she continues having Rachelisms on a daily basis. I will share some with you soon.
   And, next week, her Nana, my mom, is coming to be with Rachel, while I escape to Chicago for a few days. THANK YOU MOM! Did I ever tell you, I have the best Mom & Dad in the world? Well, I just did & I mean that with all my heart. I am so blessed, which also means Rachel is so blessed. I know they will have a wonderful time of sharing. Rachel is sooooooo excited (So am I & thankful!)!!!
     Nana & Papa are an integral part of Rachel's village! Can't wait to have mom here!