Monday, May 30, 2011

A Time to Plant...

(Photo from 2005)
  Celebrating Memorial Day, today. I must admit, the occassion is meaning something different this year to me. My childhood friend, Jenny Newsom's son, Kevin Balduf, was killed in Afghanistan this month for our country. May God give comfort and strength to all those families who have given all for us! Kevin left behind a young wife, 2 young daughters, his twin, Kyle, his Mom, Jenny, Aunt Joyce, Uncle Howard and so many more family & friends.
    When Rachel said she wanted to make a card for Kevin's mom, she handed me a crayon picture of a mitten. Interesting... She then said "there are actually 2 mittens, you just can't see one of them. They are touching together to pray."
    On a completely different topic... Today is Rachel's first real day of summer vacation. And of course, that means to expect the unexpected... she is of course, an Aspie! She was watching a cartoon early this morning & came into my room to ask me "Can we plant eggs?"..... My brain was trying to recover from a migraine, so I wasn't sure what she asked. "What?"  To which she asked again "Can we plant eggs?"... immediate confusion! Followed by the "No; why did you ask that?" 
    "Well, how do you get an EGGPLANT?"... completely sincere.
     Of course... I am so slow! Got to love another Rachelism! And why is the English language so inaccurate, anyway?
    Enjoy your holiday & remember the sacrifices that so many have made for our freedoms! God bless the USA & may we bless GOD!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Facts of Life...

(Rosie & Rachel in years gone by)

     Wanted to share a sweet Rachelism this morning...
     If you, personally know Rachel, you know Rosebug, our dog, is her "life" (her words). Last summer, we began discussing and reading about changes. Changes that occur as a girl becomes a young woman... Interesting to say the least! And that's pretty much all I will share about that. BUT....
      Yesterday, we were talking about Rosie. "Is she ever going to have puppies?..."  So, trying to be creative, but give her a picture she could understand.... I explained that Rosie's "nest" had been removed when she was young, so she would never have puppies. Quiet....Thinking...Quiet... "So, Rosie's eggs are gone?".... Yes....(Sigh of relief; she understands.)  Not!
    More silence & look of concern on Rachel's face... She began loving on Rosie, looking kind of concerned again.... Then she asked "Are there some very special birds watching over & caring for Rosie's eggs?" It was another innocent Aspie conversation, that I will probably remember forever. Smiles....

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Aspie-Perfect Description

    On a lighter note, this Saturday morning....
    Our yard and all of our area yards have been in desperate need of rain. So, when some clouds rolled in yesterday afternoon, excitement & hope were the "words" around here! (Daytona area) We even heard the promising roll of thunder...we got the winds, cloud, thunder... rain? not so much, if any, at our house.
   So, this morning, I asked Rachel if she thought we got any rain last night. To which she replied: "I think so. The yard looks a little MOISTURIZED"! Perfect beginning of a day with an Aspie!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Sometimes the Truth Hurts....

    Well, what can I say? Thankfully it's Friday! No school for 2 days! Today (aka Rachel), started out in a good mood. By the time I picked her up at 3:05 from school, some things had changed. Or had they?
    It was book fair week at school this week. Rachel chose a story about bullies and how to handle them. (I'm now thinking we should have read the whole book...FASTER!) Bullies have been an increasing problem for Rachel at school. Aspies do not understand the social cues the way others do, nor do they always know when to keep silent. We always tell our children to be honest, BUT sometimes I forget to remind Rachel that "if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." Of course these 2 rules seem complete opposites to her.
    Here goes our afternoon.... Her teacher meets me at my car in the pick-up line at school. I can tell, she does not look like she is happy it's Friday. Everything ran through my mind in speed of light time. I then reassured myself, how bad could it be? No one called me today from the school. Whew. Maybe the teacher was just tired. hmmmm
    I didn't have to wait long to hear that there had been an "incident", today. Swallow hard. "What happened?" Teacher says, "well, Rachel damaged some property and will have to repay the other student for the replacement." Uh oh.
   Her teacher went on to explain "I don't encourage the children to autograph each other's school shirts, but it was happening some today." O.K. Rachel explained that in "the past tense", when I was in school, we signed each other's yearbooks. But, now, they use their school shirts to write on at the end of the year. Still sounds fairly innocent, but could tell by Mrs. Adkin's demeanor that this was not so friendly.
    Mrs. Adkins proceeded to tell me that Rachel had been asked to "sign" a little girl's shirt.

    Here is where I will remind you of Rachel's lifelong friend, Mollie! Mollie and her family have always been there for Rachel and she feels fiercely loyal to them, as do I. Apparently, some of the girls were taking sides and picking on Mollie. Rachel just could not ignore it. So, knowing the importance of telling the truth,, Rachel "signs" (not knowing she was just supposed to sign her name) the little girl's shirt, who was being less than nice to Mollie. Rachel said she "signed" it: "Stop doing what you are doing to Mollie." She simply "signed" the girl's shirt & didn't want that girl to pick on her friend.

    Well, needless to say, the way she showed her loyalty was "unappreciated" by the shirt owner, (although highly appreciated by Mollie), and the teacher....  She was promptly put in time out in the corner of the classroom. And now will repay for the girl to get a new shirt.
    I can certainly understand the importance of respecting other people's property, and understand her duty to replace the shirt, but I must say, the line felt a little blurry to me, so far as explaining how important it is that you stand up for your friends, but in a non-hurtful way. Life is so complicated these days. 
   Sometimes..."writing the truth, hurts". I am sad that it all happened, but I also think it's kind of sweet, that Rachel loves her friend and wants to protect her. I'm writing about this to show, how Aspies have even more than the normal trouble, dealing with social situations.
   We, as parents, need wisdom, above and beyond any norm, to know how to handle these situations and how to train & prepare them for everyday situations. Have a great weekend! Love your friends!

Friday, May 6, 2011

I Stand Corrected...Again!

     If you ever think you are rarely are not living with an Aspie. I learn everyday, something I assumed was one way, is not!
     Last Saturday, I phoned in 9 scripts to be refilled at CVS. They have been our pharmacy of choice, since we moved in our house, 2 years ago. One thing I do know, is you have to allow plenty of time, in case they need to reorder, get a prior approval, etc. You know the drill.
    I was feeling pretty pleased with myself for remembering 3 days ahead of time. On Monday afternoon, a very nice lady called to let me know they were all ready for pick-up. Things are flowing so smoothly...I think!
    Rosie accompanied me on our normal routine of picking up Rachel from school. Our pharmacy is between the house & school, so it was convenient to pick up the meds on the way home. Since Rosie was in the car, I decided to make use of the "convenient" drive-thru, so Rose wouldn't  get overheated...after all they were "all ready for pick-up".
    Twenty-five minutes later, I was finally signing for the meds & getting them, when Rachel straight-faced said: "I thought this was a drive-thru, not a WAIT-thru"! Could not agree more, after I stopped laughing and thought about it! She said CVS needed to change the sign to "Wait-thru"!
    I sometimes think an Aspie could straighten out this world, with a little guidance. Enjoy your weekend!