Friday, May 6, 2011

I Stand Corrected...Again!

     If you ever think you are rarely are not living with an Aspie. I learn everyday, something I assumed was one way, is not!
     Last Saturday, I phoned in 9 scripts to be refilled at CVS. They have been our pharmacy of choice, since we moved in our house, 2 years ago. One thing I do know, is you have to allow plenty of time, in case they need to reorder, get a prior approval, etc. You know the drill.
    I was feeling pretty pleased with myself for remembering 3 days ahead of time. On Monday afternoon, a very nice lady called to let me know they were all ready for pick-up. Things are flowing so smoothly...I think!
    Rosie accompanied me on our normal routine of picking up Rachel from school. Our pharmacy is between the house & school, so it was convenient to pick up the meds on the way home. Since Rosie was in the car, I decided to make use of the "convenient" drive-thru, so Rose wouldn't  get overheated...after all they were "all ready for pick-up".
    Twenty-five minutes later, I was finally signing for the meds & getting them, when Rachel straight-faced said: "I thought this was a drive-thru, not a WAIT-thru"! Could not agree more, after I stopped laughing and thought about it! She said CVS needed to change the sign to "Wait-thru"!
    I sometimes think an Aspie could straighten out this world, with a little guidance. Enjoy your weekend!

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