Monday, May 28, 2012

A time to remember...

    Another memorial day has arrived. So much to be thankful for and so many men and women to be remembered and honored for their service for our country!
(Picture from 2005)
    Rachel would like for our house to be completely covered with flags for the occasion. Unfortunately, our flag inventory does not currently allow for that desire, but she is working on getting it decorated in as much red, white and blue as possible!
    We were watching the Today show, this morning. There were members of the various armed forces in attendance dressed in their sharp uniforms. I was pointing out the different services and what their missions were, generally. We discussed the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines... After a few minutes of silence, Rachel asked if the TV was showing "past tense"? (her way of saying was it old footage.) When I explained, no, that these service men & women were there, today, she was quite confused.
    She explained to me why she thought it was in the "past tense". She said, "In the past tense, it was only black and white!".   Hmmm... I couldn't figure where her mind was going.... I had to ask. She informed me that the people in their crisp white uniforms must have been from the past... before they had the color, NAVY! So hard to not laugh, but such a literal young lady!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Why go to the beach, when you can plan???

    Last Sunday, as we were driving home from church, I asked Rachel: "Would you like to go to the beach, this afternoon?"  She answered, "no". I asked her why & she informed me she had other "plans".
    The wheels in my head were turning and curious, as we were going home. After a quick lunch, Rachel disappeared into her room.... for quite a long time... (not that I am complaining, just curious) so I asked if she was o.k. She informed me she was planning! Hmmm
   Well, what is new? She "plans" all the time. A party, her wedding, wedding plans for her sister, games to play this summer.... you name it, she has it planned in detail, making total sense to her and her alone, usually. After all, she is an Aspie! But. I was stumped. I NEVER would have guessed, in a million years, what she was busy working on...
    After about 4 hours, she appeared from her bedroom, all smiles, with details and drawings very specific.... for her casket. That's right... she designed a casket for herself, with every detail she could think of, including the pillow and its design. It was spooky, creepy and also quite interesting in some kind of a weird, Aspie way. The casket, itself, is stained glass, with a clear glass, cross-shape in the center, a really soft blanket! The pillow has a skull outline, to make sure they know where to put her head...
   The picture below, was one of her early rough draft drawings! But, you get the idea...

    She was not sad or morbid, just very matter of fact, planning. I started trying to remember, what is the weirdest, most unique thing I ever planned as a child? I am sure whatever it was, it was NOT a casket!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Strict Dress Code

      So, it has reached 90 degrees here on several days already this spring, here in Florida. I have encouraged Rachel to wear shorts to school, so she wouldn't get so HOT! but she had not responded by wearing them.
      Finally, Friday, she had on long black knit pants with her school shirt. (Keep in mind, she is growing crazy fast and all of her "pants" are now "capris".)
      She finally told me: "I don't have any shorts that fit the dress code at school." Me: "Huh, what about the 3 new pairs of Bermuda shorts?" Rachel: "No, I tried them on and they are too long." Me....??? I was then informed by Rachel, that the students were told by their school "Your shorts must be fingertip long!". Apparently forgetting to add that it is fine to be longer.
      Could the rest of the world get a little more literal before I lose my mind? You, Aspies, keep us in line!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Food Fight?

    Rachel came home from school the other day, with a story about a fight in her school cafeteria. As much as you hate to hear of school violence, you do look forward to hearing an Aspie summary version of what happened...
    The first thought that came to my naive mind, was maybe a food fight.? Right? Nope! She told me about 2 boys in her class, who shall remain nameless, here. "*** hit **** right in his eye. He punched him for no reason."  I asked if she saw it and she told me she did. I then asked if *** got a black eye? To which Rachel informed me: "NO. But his eye did turn purple!"
   When will I learn to be literal?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Zooming, Now!

   So, yesterday, Rachel got in the car after school and told me she had a note.... Hmmm... Then, she reassured me, it was for a field trip.... Hmmm.... Got home, and was handed the yellow sheet of paper.
   Sure enough, it was a permission slip note. She is supposed to go to Hinson Middle School next year. YIKES! We had discussed that's where we are "ZONED" to go. As she handed me the paper, she informed me that the 5th graders were going to visit the middle school that they are "ZOOMED IN" for! Close enough. Starts with a Z!
   Made me smile... and wonder... how will we ever survive middle-school??? FYI: She is certain that it IS zoomed in for, NOT zoned for. Some things are not worth a battle!   ;0)

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


Wanted to share with you a favorite quote from the book Aspergirls, by Rudy Simone.
(I enjoyed this book & was given some insights on "Empowering Females with Asperger Syndrome". This book was recommended by Rachel's intervention teacher. Thank you, Jenn!):

"But telling a person with Asperger's to just 'get on with it' is like telling a person in a wheelchair to take the stairs if they want to get to the second floor." (page 57)

Some of the most well-meaning individuals, have guilted me for not "just make her do it; it's not a choice" kind of attitude. Many of these well-meaning people have used these words & let me know how disappointed they are in my parenting skills. It has done nothing positive! Please, if you don't understand and have not walked in these difficult shoes, don't judge and correct! You certainly wouldn't tell someone in a wheelchair to take the stairs, so please don't expect and advise someone with Asperger's to simply change, or speed up, or try harder, or... While they do need encouragement, they (& we parents) don't need your condemnation.
Thanks for letting me release a little frustration. For all you friends that are simply encouraging & helpful on this journey, THANK YOU! You help ease more pain than you know.
I do recommend this book. Especially to learn more about girls (the minority) with Asperger's Syndrome!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Accomplishment... or a Circus????

           So, it's been a while since I've posted anything... not for lack of Rachelisms, experiences, tests, trials, joys, accomplishments... Life happens! Much to get caught up on...
           I recently had surgery, and my wonderful mother came down to Florid,a to tend to Rachel, Rosebug, me & everything else. There were the Aspie-normal challenges, when faced with change. When I was able to come home, apparently I was still under the "influence" of anesthesia and NOT thinking Aspie. This became very obvious one day, while we were gathered together and talking.
          I was sharing some great news about my precious grandson being such a big boy... all potty trained. He got to go to ChuckECheese to celebrate. I was relaying this information to Mom & Rachel, explaining to Rachel why they were celebrating Jakson's "big feat".
          After a small amount of time passed, Rachel said "Mom, it's too bad you don't have any clown feet." WHAT??? It took my Mom to explain the Aspie, clearly obvious, thought. I said, "What are you talking about Clown feet?". Rachel, "You know, Jakson has Big FEET!"  I was happy my mom was here to get me through that "Feet"!