Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rachelism - Gift

     Today has been a difficult day. My good friends' brother died on Thursday, and it has knocked the wind right out of my sails. Ray was like an uncle to Rachel; we loved and adored him. So I've been a little/lot lost in my thoughts and not thinking, in, clearly, Asperger's ways.
      But I was brought back to literal thinking a few minutes ago. Rachel had gotten on the subject of Christmas and family gifts. I explained to her that the last 2 years, the Goodpasture family had drawn names at Thanksgiving for Christmas gifts. Silly, silly, me!
      Rachel disappeared into her bedroom for about two hours. She came out smiling and looked so proud. I asked her what she had been doing, so quietly for so long. She then held out a spiral notebook, filled with the names of everyone in the Goodpasture family, AND their dog's names (Scout, Trooper & Rosebug), "DRAWN" beautifully, for Christmas. Now, how did I not see that coming?
      It did make me smile. The purity of thought and innocence....I'm actually wishing Christmas was that simple. After all, she did spend time and energy, thinking of and creating for those we love so much! It was her creation of love!    ;0)

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