Thursday, October 7, 2010

Part Hound?

      So, this morning we were heading out LPGA Blvd, west, toward Rachel's school. It suddenly looked EXTREMELY foggy.... or was it smokey?... it soon became evident it was smoke. After a bout of coughing and traveling a little further... I said "I wonder what is burning?". To which Rachel said "it smells like someone cooked their bacon too much". If it had ended there, I would not have gotten a big laugh. Next, she says: "I am positive it's coming from this side (she pointed right).....or else it's coming from that side (pointing left)." This is so typical. After we both laughed (she was laughing at me, laughing at her observation & prediction) I asked her why she said both places, to which she answered her obvious... "I have 2 nostrils, you know?"... By that point, her eyes were "leaking", as she calls tearing up, from laughing. (By the way, the smoke was actually blowing from the right.)
     This brought to mind one of her other "obvious" declarations. We were in the car one day and Rachel said she smelled water. We were quite puzzled, but couldn't resist asking what water smells like. She thought and thought and finally said..."it smells like ice". True enough. This was before she knew that frozen water is ice. This is just an example of how keen her senses are.   ;0)
      Sensory integration problems are common in Asperger's. When she was younger, and occasionally now, she would spit out, or even throw-up if there was/is a seed in her strawberry yogurt. She still has problems with brushing her teeth, as her gag reflex is so sensitive. There are times, when she gags just walking into the bathroom, before attempting to brush her teeth. For a long time, she would throw-up almost every time we attempted to brush. She has made some progress in that area, but still has problems with it. Unfortunately, it's not something that can be skipped.
     I write all this just to let you know how sensitive these children can be... whether it's to smell, taste, touch, sound, sight/light, temperature... I wish I had known what I know now, when she was much younger. When she was a baby & until recently, she would scream, like she was being scalded, every time she got a bath. We finally noticed she did better when the water was at room temperature or cooler. She is the same about her food, preferring room temperature to warm. I can't imagine what it's like to be so affected by everything in our world. And with more limited communication skills, the frustration of it all is pretty easy to understand.
     So, if you are in need of someone with a good "sniffer", don't bother calling for a hound, just call a Rachel!

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