Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fishy Summertime!

Fish Cake - 6/11/11
         When it's book fair time, at school, most kids are picking out the "popular at the moment" books. This year it seems to have been Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, chapter books, the ever popular Harry Potter...(all of which, she has limited interest in, if any). If you want an original selection, take an Aspie to a book fair!

         At Rachel's first book fair, she chose a cookbook. I was not terribly surprised, simply because, not a lot can surprise me any more. What did pleasantly surprise me is the retained interest in this book.

     Last year when she was making her Christmas "list" for Santa, she wanted cookbooks. Well, he fulfilled that wish. We, now, are owners of numerous cookbooks, geared towards interesting children in cooking. Once again, I thought that interest would wane, BUT... this summer I discovered a fun way of using these books to solve more than one need for Rachel:

Some of Rachel's Favorite Cookbooks

    1) Rachel's reading skills, lag behind her peers', so, I'm always looking for ways to sneak in some reading that actually interests her. Cookbooks seem to do that, and have expanded her vocabulary as well, while using up countless patience & energy on my part. Aspie's learn differently. What can I say?
    2)Rachel's had some problems with measurements & the concept of time. I've discovered she's much more willing to work on telling time when she knows our food creation depends on being promptly on time, whether cooking, mixing, chilling, cooling... She is getting a "little" better grasp on how long a segment of time is. (Although she still asks if 15 minutes is a long time....) Cooking is filled with fractions, problem-solving...
    3)Rachel loves to create and plan! If you know her, personally, you know that is an understatement!  ;0)  Well, what better way to actually use some of these obsessions & compulsions than trying to help her learn how to plan, to shop, and to prepare food. (Although, it has been kind of tricky, talking her into a product that has an ounce or two, more or less, than the recipe calls for.)
   4)Rachel loves science, so we are looking at our cooking time as experiments. She has come up with a LOT of hypotheses, steps, conclusions, causes... which she, at times, eagerly records in her notebook!
   5)And the most obvious benefit to me, is we are doing something that is useful, while being creative, and allows us some "fun" time together, creating what I hope will be good memories for a long time!
      After all, every one's got to eat!

Spring Veggie Fritata - 6/11
     So, this summer, we have already tried a few new items, including a fish-shaped cake. (Of course, she would not let me call it a goldfish, since it was not golden enough. I resisted the urge to ask her to compare it to the Goldfish brand snack crackers.) You've got to pick your battles, as you all know!  ;0)
     We also made a "Spring Veggie Fritata". I let her cut up the asparagus into 1/4s, etc.... She first measured the lengths of the spears, but I eventually got her to somewhat estimate the cuts, since she was terribly upset that "this one is longer..."
     So far, everything we've attempted has turned out o.k. I don't know how I will handle it, WHEN something falls apart, etc.

       All I CAN say, is, at this point, her original book fair choice has provided much interest and many unforeseen opportunities for "us". I would love to hear about some of the "fun" and helpful activities you have encountered this summer, with your child!

Latest Book Fair Choice

     I'm thankful we have such a variety of cookbooks to choose from. I'm thinking we should not run out of ideas and projects for along time. Which is something I am extremely thankful for, considering her most recent book fair selection! (See picture, posted above!)  
    Have a creative week!

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