Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy 10th Birthday!

     Almost exactly 10 years ago, I held Rachel for the first time. She was born at 7:00 am. It is now 6:55, as I type and she's preparing for another day at school. In some ways, it is hard to believe she is turning 10.... in other ways it seems like she should be much older. It's been both a long and short time to me. The years are gone, but the days, sometimes, seem to last forever. If you love an Aspie (person with Asperger's), you understand.
     She just informed me she has a science test today. I asked her if she needed to work on it, and she replied "it's at school, not here." So I had to rephrase it, do you need to study to prepare for it?... she answered "I don't know.. I didn't write anything down about it". Some things get easier, other things don't seem to change, or even deteriorate... But we are in this together and God will see us through.
    Happy Birthday Precious Rachel! She's taking cupcakes for her classmates. Someday, I'll get brave and try to have a party for her. She has never had one...

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