Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Good News/Bad News

       If you think you know a lot.... spend some time with an Aspie. We know very little, but they are happy to fill in our gaps... even gaps we didn't know we had. I was "enlightened" over the weekend, while enjoying some football with Rachel.
       We were watching (had on) the Alabama/ Arkansas football game Saturday. Rachel asked if Bama was playing the "boats"... I said they are playing Arkansas...she said "arks are boats"! Asperger moment.
       Later, she informed me there are 2 kinds of "refs". Silly, silly me... I assumed she was thinking a football ref, a basketball ref, etc. But of course, that would be our logic...I questioned what her 2 refs were... "Obviously there's the kind that wear black and white and whistle, AND the kind that float on water...like in the pool". (ref/raft... all the same!?!)
    There, I just shared my new knowledge. And maybe I'm trying to think of the positives, instead of the reality of her student teacher walking her to my car, yesterday. I could tell from both of their faces that something was not right. Apparently, they had to physically remove the scissors from her during art class. She refused to stop & turn them in at the end of class. To us, she's not following the rules, but she sees it that she had not finished her job (art project).  Anyway... the teacher said "she (Rachel) got really upset & caused quite the scene, before & after they took her scissors".
    Well, it's another day... many opportunities for???? who knows????

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