Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Allison is a Disney Character! Really?

      So, this afternoon, we made a routine stop at the pharmacy for meds. Rachel has come home the last 2 days early from school, with headaches/seizures.... Just one of those weeks, I guess...
      But, as usual, there is always something to make me smile when Rachel is around. We were in our usual position...I was standing, waiting "patiently" for her medications & she was sprawled out in the massage chair at the pharmacy. She finally got her coordination together enough to awkwardly walk to the counter with me, without help.
     There was one of those photo card displays by the register. And there was an attractive young blond girl in a blue dress on one of them. Rachel said "I think I know her"....Of course I responded with "Who is she?". She said the girl looked like "Allison". So my mind is racing to all the Allisons I could think of. I asked if it was Allison S. from church...."no". How 'bout my cousin Allison, that is "hanging" on our fridge? "NO!" I have to back out of this guessing game & ask directly who Allison is.
    And, silly, silly me was not expecting her "obvious" answer..."She's Allison Wonderland!".

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