Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mockingbird by Kathryn Erskine -a must read

     Wanted to share with you an exceptional book! I was recently at the beloved Davis-Kidd bookstore closing sale in Nashville. Above the many treasures I found heavily discounted, was a recommendation by the lady checking my piles of books out. She noticed several books on special needs/ Autism... And out of the blue, asked me if I had read Mockingbird, yet. After telling her I had not even heard of it, she informed me it was about a young girl with Asperger's, and continued on, telling me how much it changed the way she understood Asperger's and differences in thinking. That was enough for me.
   They were already sold out, but as soon as I got back to Florida, I went to Barnes & Noble & found this treasure! If you are interested in a good read, this is one! (it is currently on sale at Barnes & Noble on-line) I read it in an afternoon. Could not put it down until I finished it! Although it is fictional, the author did a lot of research on Asperger's & completely nailed it! I felt like I knew this little girl, Caitlin. And I also realized I'm not alone in raising an Aspie. Although there are a wide range of characteristics, some things are just "black and white"! I am sharing a quote from the author's website regarding/introducing the book.

              "MOCKINGBIRD  (National Book Award, 2010)
 In Caitlin’s world, everything is black or white.  Things are good or bad.  Anything in between is confusing.  That’s the stuff Caitlin’s older brother, Devon, has always explained.  But now Devon’s dead, and her father cries a lot.  Caitlin wants to get over it, but as an eleven-year-old girl with Asperger’s, she doesn’t know how.  When she reads the definition of “closure” in the dictionary, she realizes that is what she and her father need.  In her search for Closure, Caitlin discovers that not everything is black and white--the world is full of colors--messy and beautiful, and it is through this discovery that she embarks on a road which leads her to find both healing and Closure."

         If you do get the book & read it, I would love to get your take on it. And, if you have any other books that you recommend, please share them with us. Thank you for your support & encouragement!

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