Friday, January 21, 2011

The Obvious (but what is NOT for an Aspie?)

     This morning started off in typical form. Getting showers, medications, readying for school...Routines are so important. Even changing the order of Rachel's medication can throw the entire day off! She was excited about turning her 4th grade Social Studies' Project in today.
     We got in our car and started to school. We listen to the same morning radio program each day on the way. Our station has a daily "DQ"- "Darned Question".
     Rachel always has the obvious answer & today was no exception. Here's the question: "You change your undies everyday, your oil every 3 months, your smoke detector batteries, 2 times a year...What should you change once a year?". Hmmm. There were several guesses, such as your password on your computer... Rachel couldn't believe no one could figure out the clearly obvious answer. Without even a blink, she said: "you change the number of candles on your birthday cake"...then, her eyes got really big as she said: "that is a trick question, because you also should change your calender once a year".
    I tried calling in with her answer(s), but fortunately for me, the line was busy. But I did send an e-mail to the morning DJ, Leslye on Magic 107.7, regarding her funny, but true answer. They actually read it on the air & enjoyed her simplistic observation. I wish she had still been in the car to hear it. FYI- the eventual "correct" answer was to change your ATM pin number once a year. (Kind of glad she wasn't in the car to hear that answer, as that would have led to an endless conversation, that would never have been understood.)
     Thought, you, too might enjoy a smile with this Rachelism! Have a great weekend!

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